Before i get a tirade of nasty comments from my faithful readers (the sad thing is that even if I said 'both of them' I would still be overstating my readership). YES! this is a remake of the palm pilot classic, SFcave made by sunflat software. But hey its a good game and someones got to do a remake sometime right? Well I did so a big raspberry to you all (I would use more colourful phraseology but im trying to keep this all U rated).
This is the final in my series of single button games. I learnt alot about them and it was a good laugh trying to think of different ways of playing with the idea of a single button of interaction. There is a good article on gamasutra about it but im too lazy to track it down.
This is definately my most polished game to date. It has sound and nice title and extro screens (ok maybe just a title screen). Its also got some graphical 'flourishes' like text that zooms upwards when you get a bonus. And yes i realise that it looks like the inside of a dogs arse but i dont have a single artistic bone in my body (as you will come to realise).
Get it here (sfcave_FINAL.zip)
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